Menswear Fashion Show at Neighbours!
Showcasing Portland Designer Julian Stefoni, a sneak peak at Brief Encounters with Justice by SOSea, superhero body painting by Artifakt Art, and a sneak peak at RAWHIDE by Noel Austin. 7-10PM. Tickets are $15 at the door, 1/2 off for gents. $10 presale and $15 front row seats at: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/318763
PDX Designer Julian Stefoni: www.facebook.com/juliansride Artifakt Art: www.ArtifaktArt.org Brief Encounters with Justice: www.facebook.com/events/326592477452011/ SOSea: www.facebook.com/socialoutreachseattle D.N.A. www.DNAFashionDesigns.com RAWHIDE!: www.facebook.com/events/260947790698393/
Chance is the Original monthly networking event for Fashion Artists. Every month features:
- New Designer themes showcasing on the runway. - Open Casting from 7-8PM for new models. - 1 on 1 photography time for both participating and walk in models. - Space to setup lights/backdrops for participating photographers. - "Collaboration of the Month" Award for participating artists. - Before/After images for participating hair/mua's.
More info: www.facebook.com/ChanceNW/info Videos: www.youtube.com/ChanceFashion
=== | GET INVOLVED | ===
If you'd like to become a registered Chance participant, please contact the appropriate email listed below. Interested Media or Sponsors can contact Guestlist@ActivateTheArts.com
Photographer@ActivateTheArts.com Model@ActivateTheArts.com Designer@ActivateTheArts.com (Hair/MUA's) Production@ActivateTheArts.com
Chance is produced by Active Entertainment, providing Event and Entertainment services since 2008. For more information, please visit: www.facebook.com/SeattleEntertainment www.youtube.com/SeattleEntertainment
LocationNeighbours (View)
1509 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98121
United States