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Community Conversation at the Salton Sea/Conversación Communitaria Sobre la Laguna Salton Sea
North Shore Beach & Yacht Club
North Shore, CA
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The "Community Conversation at the Salton Sea" is planned to be a space where there can be free interchange of information among agency, academic and community organizational personnel and community members. It will be an informal way for information to be shared with community members about the work being done by multiple stakeholders and to discuss plans the State of California has for the Salton Sea while focusing on community expectations and impacts.

We will open the meeting with remarks from Silvia Paz, Director of Building Healthy Communities - Eastern Coachella Valley, and Gail Wadsworth, Executive Director of California Institute for Rural Studies. These will be followed by panel discussions. The first panel of community residents will share their stories of what it is like to live near the Sea, how life may have changed over their residencies and what hopes they have for the Sea, going forward. Then the other panels of agency personnel, academics and community benefit organizations/non-profits who are invested in the region/sea will each speak about their work and challenges/successes. Each panel will be moderated by a community resident.

The event will be free, snacks and lunch will be provided, as well as childcare and English/Spanish interpretation.

1. Community Members
Moderator: Rebecca Zaragoza, Leadership Counsel for Justice & Accountability

2. Non-Profits & Community Benefit Organizations
Frank Ruiz, Salton Sea Director, Audubon California
Ignacio Ochoa, Community Organizer, My Generation Campaign, Sierra Club
Luis Olmedo, Executive Director, Comite Civico Del Valle
Moderator: Megan Beaman-Jacinto, Beaman Law

3. Academic Researchers
Dr. Samantha Ying, Assistant Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry, School of Environmental Sciences, UC Riverside
Dr. Ryan Sinclair, Assistant Professor, Center for Community Resilience, Loma Linda University, School of Public Health
Dr. Keith Bein, Air Quality Research Center & Center for Health and the Environment, UC Davis
Dr. Tim Bradley, Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, School of Biological Sciences, UC Irvine
Moderator: Gail Wadsworth, California Institute for Rural Studies

4. State & Regional Agencies
Bruce Wilcox, Assistant Secretary of Salton Sea Policy, State of California, Natural Resources Agency
Jessica Lovecchio, Implementation Team Biologist, Imperial Irrigation District
Alberto Ramirez, Natural Resources Manager, Torres Martinez Reservation (invited)
Moderator: Silvia Paz, Building Healthy Communities - Coachella Valley

Hashtag:  #CommuniyConversationConversaciónCommunitaria

Thank you to our sponsors, Including the Werner Konstam Foundation
And our community partners:
Building Healthy Communities - Coachella Valley
Inland Congregations United for Change
Leadership Council for Justice and Sustainability
Lideres Campesinas
TODEC (Training Occupational Development Educating Communities)


"Conversación Communitaria Sobre la Laguna Salton Sea" se planea ser un espacio donde hay intercambio libre de información entre el personal de agencias, personal de organizaciones comunitarias, académicos, y los miembros de la comunidad. Será una manera informal de compartir información con los miembros de la comunidad sobre el trabajo realizado por múltiples partes interesadas y discutir los planes que el Estado de California tiene para la Laguna Salton Sea con un enfoque en las expectativas e impactos de la comunidad.

Abriremos la reunión con comentarios de Silvia Paz Director de Building Healthy Communities - Coachella Valley, y Gail Wadsworth, Director Ejecutivo del California Institute for Rural Studies. Estos comentarios serán seguidos por discusiones de paneles. El primer panel de residentes de la comunidad compartirá sus historias sobre cómo es vivir cerca de la laguna, cómo puede haber cambiado la vida en sus residencias y qué esperanzas tienen para la laguna en el futuro. Luego, los otros paneles de personal de las agencias, académicos, y personal de organizaciones comunitarias que están invertidos en la región / laguna hablarán sobre su trabajo y sus desafíos / éxitos. Cada panel será moderado por un residente de la comunidad.

El evento será gratuito, se ofrecerán refrigerios y almuerzos, así como servicios de guardería e interpretación en inglés / español.

1. Miembros de la comunidad
Dirigido par Rebecca Zaragoza, Leadership Council for Justice and Sustainability
Los participantes incluyen:
Violeta Lopez
Maria (Conchita) Pozar
Yesenia Pozar
Teresa Figueroa

2. Organizaciones sin fines de lucro y de beneficio comunitario
Moderado por Megan Beaman, Beaman Law
Frank Ruiz, Audubon California
Ignacio Ochoa, Sierra Club
Luis Olmedo, Comite Civico Del Valle

3. Investigadores académicos
Moderado por Gail Wadsworth, California Institute for Rural Studies
Timothy J. Bradley, University of California, Irvine
Keith Bein, University of California, Davis
Samantha Ying, University of California, Riverside
Ryan Sinclair, Loma Linda University

4. Agencias Estatales y Regionales
Moderado por  Silvia Paz, Building Healthy Communities, Coachella Valley
Bruce Wilcox, State of California, Natural Resources Agency
Jessica Lovecchio, Imperial Irrigation District
Alberto Ramirez Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Tribe

Los invitados pueden hacer su reserva AQUÍ, o llamada: 530-756-6555 ext 20

Hashtag:  #CommuniyConversationConversaciónCommunitaria

Gracias a nuestros patrocinadores, incluyendo
el Werner Konstam Foundation
Gracias a nuestros patrocinadores, incluida la Fundación Werner Konstam, y nuestros socios de la comunidad:
Building Healthy Communities, Coachella Valley
Inland Congregations United for Change
Leadership Council for Justice and Sustainability
Lideres Campesinas
TODEC (Training Occupational Development Educating Communities)
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North Shore Beach & Yacht Club (View)
99-155 Sea View Drive
North Shore, CA 92254
United States


Education > Workshops

Kid Friendly: Yes!
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!



Maria J.
United States
Nov 17, 2017 9:50 PM
Esperanza G.
United States
Nov 17, 2017 9:50 PM
Bob T.
United States
Nov 17, 2017 8:29 PM
Rosie T.
United States
Nov 17, 2017 8:29 PM
Chuck P.
United States
Nov 17, 2017 8:22 PM

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