Oyate Hotanin and Pangea World Theater Present Indigenous Voices at The Buffalo Show.
Tatanka Ohitika (Strong Buffalo) is a Dakota elder and poet from the Sisseton- Wahpeton Oyate. He is a decorated Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran and American Indian Movement (AIM) activist who has traveled around the world performing his work, collecting a million stories and writing a zillion poems, advocating for indigenous peoples across the globe. Strong Buffalo join forces with host Leech Laker Al Gross, to deliver much needed love medicine to a world in need, with wise words and dirty grooves, and interspersed with thoughtful conversation. Joined by several other special guest artists, The Buffalo Show showcases important work by native artists seeking to restore balance to our world.
www.oyatehotanin.org www.facebook.com/oyate-hotanin www.youtube.com/channel/UCkx6TRWp7puxa8EYaPbNg9w
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LocationBryant-Lake Bowl Cabaret Theater (View)
810 West Lake Street
810 West Lake Street, MN 55408
United States