Land of the Little People
Synopsis: Four young kids who live in a village of military officers families, form a small gang. An old abandoned army base, located in the surrounding fields, turns into their camp. A war begins and most men are drafted. When the kids return to their camp they discover two soldiers who deserted their units, using their camp as a hideout. Ruthless struggle develops between the groups, and the soldiers, who sought refuge from the war outside, find themselves in another war, which turns to be as dangerous and bloody.
Director: Born in Israel, Yaniv is a graduate student from the MFA program at the Film Department, Tel-Aviv University. His short film EVEN KIDS STARTED SMALL, about school children taking over the school, was official selection of the CINÉFONDATION, Cannes Film Festival. He filmed for six years a documentary about a military company of reserve soldiers in the IDF, which was made into the award winning documentary THE ALPHA DIARIES. LAND OF THE LITTLE PEOPLE is his first narrative feature, which like his previous works deals with the traumatic process of becoming a child-soldier in a violent militaristic society.
LocationCourtyard Theater (View)
1060 River St. Suite 110
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States