Taxi Driver
Martin Scorsese's brutal masterpiece about a ticking time bomb of a human being working as a NYC taxi driver comes together via Robert De Niros intensity, DP Michael Chapmans unflinching gaze at a Gomorrah-like New York, and Bernard Herrmanns eloquent nightmare of a score.
Hallucinatory, strikingly violent, Scorsese and screenwriter Paul Schrader's plunge into the twisted psyche of a cab-driving Vietnam vet offers a nightmarish voyage into the seedy underbelly of pre-Disneyfied NYC. De Niro brilliantly incarnates the lonely and deeply troubled Travis Bickle, adrift in a sea of "filth," surrounded by random violence, racial tension, porno theatres and prostitution. Desperately striving to be a "normal person," Bickle becomes obsessed with "saving" a pre-teen prostitute (Jodie Foster) from her jive-talking pimp (Harvey Keitel). The darkness of Schrader's script is tempered with a seductively noir-ish visual style and a romantic, luxurious score by the great Bernard Herrmann (completed only days before his death).
IN PERSON: Musician & Composer Peter Wetzler discusses Bernard Hermann's contribution to TAXI DRIVER.He has worked in film, television, theater, dance and music education while doing indie films, multimedia installations around the world and scores for network and cable television. Sunday, August 27th at 2pm.
LocationUpstate Films Theater (View)
6415 montgomery street
rhinebeck, NY 12572
United States