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Nasty Women: Kate Harding, Samantha Irby, Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Megan Stielstra, and Sarah Hollenbeck
Everybody's Coffee - Wilson Abbey Chicago, IL
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Nasty Women: Kate Harding, Samantha Irby, Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Megan Stielstra, and Sarah Hollenbeck
Join us for the only Chicago event celebrating the essay collection NASTY WOMEN co-edited by Kate Harding and Samhita Mukhopadhyay. For this event, Kate and Samhita will be joined by NASTY WOMEN contributors Samantha Irby and Sarah Hollenbeck along with very special guest Megan Stielstra. DJ Maggie--MagRock--from She's Crafty will be spinning tunes before the event and during the book-signing.
When 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump and 94 percent of black women voted for Hillary Clinton, how can women unite in Trump's America? NASTY WOMEN includes inspiring essays from a diverse group of talented women writers who seek to provide a broad look at how we got here and what we need to do to move forward.
Kate Harding is the author of Asking For It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Cultureand What We Can Do About It, a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award in general nonfiction. Previously, she collaborated with Anna Holmes, Amanda Hess, and a cast of thousands on The Book of Jezebel, and with Marianne Kirby on Lessons from the Fat-o-Sphere. You might also remember her as the founding editor of Shapely Prose (2007-2010). Kate has taught creative writing at The Loft in Minneapolis, StoryStudio Chicago, the Northwestern University Summer Writing Conference, and as the Distinguished Visiting Writer at Cornell College (spring 2017). Formerly Assistant Director of the Women's Resource Center at Cornell University. Kate holds an M.F.A. in fiction from Vermont College of Fine Arts and a B.A. in English from University of Toronto. She's currently at work on a Ph.D. in creative writing from Bath Spa University.
Samantha Irby is the author of the essay collections Meaty and New York Times bestseller We Are Never Meeting In Real Life, and the founder of the popular blog bitches gotta eat. She recently became the book review editor for Marie Claire magazine.
Samhita Mukhopadhyay is a writer, editor, speaker, and technologist living in NYC. Currently the Editorial Director of the Identities vertical at Mic, she is also the former Executive Editor of the award-winning blog and author of Outdated: Why Dating is Ruining Your Love Life. Her writing has appeared in The Nation, The American Prospect, The Guardian, Alternet, Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, and Al Jazeera.
Megan Stielstra is the author of three collections: The Wrong Way To Save Your Life, Once I Was Cool, and Everyone Remain Calm. Her work appears in the Best American Essays, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Poets & Writers, Guernica, Buzzfeed Reader, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. A longtime company member with 2nd Story, she has told stories for National Public Radio, Radio National Australia, Museum of Contemporary Art, Goodman, Steppenwolf, the Neo-Futurarium, and regularly with The Paper Machete live news magazine at The Green Mill. She teaches creative nonfiction at Northwestern University.
Sarah Hollenbeck is the co-owner of Women & Children First, one of the last remaining feminist bookstores in the United States. A graduate of Northwestern University's MFA program, she has published personal essays in Dogwood and TriQuarterly. Her essay "A Goldmine" was nominated for a Pushcart and received a Notable Mention in Best American Essays 2014. She occasionally performs her work aloud at shows around Chicago, including Story Club, Essay Fiesta, You're Being Ridiculous, and The Bodies of Work Festival.
DJ Maggie Tomasek is a writer, comic, runner and rapper. She's a member of She's Crafty, Chicago's all-female Beastie Boys tribute, spitting rhymes as MagRock. Find out more at
This event will include short readings, a moderated author conversation, an audience Q&A, a book-signing, and--quite possibly--a dance party.
All tickets include a copy of NASTY WOMEN, which attendees can pick up at the event.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Everybody's Coffee - Wilson Abbey (View)
935 W Wilson Ave
Chicago, IL 60640
United States