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Gift & Purpose 5 class webinar with Malidoma Some
online at JungPlatform.com
Salt Lake City, UT
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Gift & Purpose 5 class webinar with Malidoma Some
A 5 class web seminar in discovery and implementation.

Have you ever felt like youre here in this world to do something specific, good and big, but cant seem like you know what it is? Do you know that you have a gift and wonder how best to bring it into the world? Do you feel like a person of service who does not know what to serve? Are you trying to share the gifts you know you embody while feeling like all kinds of obstacles are blocking you from doing just that?  Are you aware of your gift and purpose already; yet feeling inspired to deepen your relationship and experience with it? If any of the above rings a bell, you are invited to this online course.

In indigenous Dagara culture each person comes into this world with, and as a gift. The purpose of life is to deliver the gift using a style that is personal to maximize elegance, ease and beauty. This means that gift makes life purposeful.

This course is intended to empower you as you bring forth your gift out into the world, to help you recognize and acknowledge it, and to embrace it in the style that is consistent with who you are. In our core, we all want to contribute that which defines us as people of service.

The introductory course will situate gift and purpose within cosmology and mythology with a mind to capture its concise definition to help everyone including  those who already have an idea of their gift, but are not sure; as well as those who have no clue at all.

At the first official web class, we will dissect the notion of Gift within our existential state with a mind to examine the existence of various branches of it. We will lay out the tools with which to identify them. But more importantly, we will stress the danger of living outside of the Gift as well as identify the benefit of living with it.

At the second web class we will address the meaning of Purpose and the life events that inform it. We will define Purpose in relation to gift and steer your imagination toward becoming confident with it.

The third Web class will focus on the interconnection between Gift and Purpose with a mind to highlight the ways in which the one informs the other. Knowing your Gift clarifies your Purpose; not always the other way around.

Once you know your gift and purpose, then the challenges of implementation become an unavoidable focus. This will be the topic of Web class number four. The art of dealing with obstacles and adversity while sharpening your style of delivery is a must.

During the fifth and final Web Class, we will expand on the choreography of the gift with a better look at the destination of it. This will bring our focus on to community as the principal target recipient and the very reason why we come into this world with a gift.

Tuesday, OCT 3rd
Wednesday, OCT 18th
Wednesday, OCT 25th
Wednesday, NOV 8th
Wednesday, Dec 6th

Times: 8-9pm EST (5-6pm PST)

Cost: $125(incl. audio and video access of the live event + Study Guide).

You can also pay over the phone by calling Machiel Klerk at +1-801-656-8806
Or send a check to Jung Platform
29 Layton Ave
Salt Lake City. UT. 84115
(if you send a check, also send an email as the course starts Tuesday and the check won't be in on time).


online at JungPlatform.com (View)
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
United States



Dog Friendly: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: Jung Platform
On BPT Since: Oct 12, 2013
Machiel Klerk


Question: Do we have access to recordings in the event we can not make live webinar calls?
Answer: yes, you will get a link to the audio and video recording of the live event.

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