Salad Luncheon with Film shorts
Synopsis: In a remarkable twist of fate, it was the decades-long effort of one blind person, Gordon Gund, that made it possible for another, Yannick Duwé, to see. After 45 years, the journey of Gordon and Lulie Gund to find a cure for blindness can only be described as an act of love.
Synopsis: The story of functional potter, Eric Smith, and the 60 hour process of firing his wood-fired kiln.
Synopsis: A runner finds holy awe in the Wasatch mountains of Utah.
Synopsis: This short is a glimpse into the life of Matthew, a man with a significant disability, as voiced by his insightful and articulate son, Elijah. Using a wheelchair, a pointer and a letter board, Matthew shows us he's a college professor, an honorary coach for the football team, an advocate and a dad.
DONATION REQUEST - Visionary Challenge Match Please help us reach our goal of raising $50,000 by the end of the Film Festival by donating to the 2017 Visionary Challenge Match. $5.. $10.. $150.. any contribution you are able to make will be matched, dollar for dollar.
As the CDFF continues to grow each year, we need your support in order to provide the technology, equipment and outreach materials necessary to achieve our Vision for creating a world-class film festival that continues to educate, empower and inspire filmmakers and audiences alike.
To make a donation, visit our website at www.chagrinfilmfest.org/donate.
LocationSt. Joan of Arc Church (View)
496 E Washington St
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
United States
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |