My Hero Brother
FILM Synopsis: A group of remarkable young people with Down syndrome embark on a demanding trek through the Indian Himalayas, accompanied by their brothers and sisters. Unresolved conflicts and the complexities of growing up with a Down syndrome child in the family come to surface, while a heart-warming and special closeness develops among the siblings as they deal with formidable physical and emotional challenges. The difficult trials and poignant relationships, set against the richly colorful backdrop of India, open new horizons and greatly deepen our understanding of special needs people and their families. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Visionary Challenge Match -- Please help us reach our goal of raising $50,000 by the end of the Film Festival by contributing to the 2017 Visionary Challenge Match. $5.. $10.. $50.. any contribution you are able to make will be matched, dollar for dollar.
As the CDFF continues to grow each year, we need your support in order to provide the technology, equipment and outreach materials necessary to achieve our Vision for creating a world-class film festival that continues to educate, empower and inspire filmmakers and audiences alike.
To contribute, visit our website at www.chagrinfilmfest.org/donate.
LocationChagrin Valley Little Theatre (View)
40 River Street
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
United States
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |