Awaken Morgantown: Detox Unit at 123 Pleasant Street
The Awaken Vacation is back and this year we are hittng Morgantown first before heading down south! Shawmaynes is teaming up with Divisions to bring you some wonky bass intertwined with uplifting hip-hop lycracists to help "open your eyes" and ease your mind.
We are proud to annouce that Detox Unit with his unique "funky, low end, organic bass" along with WiZ0 and Bryan Divisions making the trip back up. This time they're bringing that dude Murkury so this one is sure to get wierd the day after Halloween!
Motown hero Arch Jakob will be taking the mic fresh off his new album drop on 10/13. Gundar and Rudeboylogic out of Frostburg, MD will be starting us off proper so don't miss a minute!
----123 Pleasant Street, Morgantown, WV------
-----Doors 9pm, Music 9pm - 2am------
----- Tickets - Presale - $10 --- Door - $13 ------
---Early Bird Ticket Link---- http://detoxunitshawmaynes.brownpapertickets.com/
-----18 to get down, 21 to drink-----
---Flow Approved-----
******Line Up*******
--------Detox Unit: ---------
"Music for Sound Systems"
"A glitch hop producer listing his home town as a dilapidated 90's internet cafe, Detox Unit makes some funky low end, organic bass music. Detox Unit has left crowds wanting more at a number of Tipper & Friends events, Infrasound Festival and Pirate Party. Keeping the music ever diverse but incredibly smooth; his melodies captivate audiences with sultry and seductive bass lines."
https://www.facebook.com/detoxunit/ https://soundcloud.com/detoxunit
Asheville, NC
- The Undergrowth
"Ashevilles Tyler Walden started producing music in 2010; Composing Hip Hop beats collaborating with local rappers. His passion for electronic music soon turned his style into something everyone can enjoy.
His music project WiZ0 [named after a childhood nickname] Blends a Precussive feel good style with pleasing melodies, mixing tasteful electronic music combined with his own productions.
WiZ0's provided support for artists such as Huglife, Of The Trees, CloZee and many more. He's played events such as Heilos, Dark Fest, Envision Reality, and Maynes Good Time. Also Ashevilles own Full Moon Gatherings. Along with a number of benifit events."
https://www.facebook.com/WiZ0828/ https://soundcloud.com/wiz0
Asheville, NC
- The Undergrowth
"Paying homage to The Messenger God of Ancient Rome and the planet closest to the sun, this dual threat DJ/Producer has been delivering elemental bass music across the Carolinas for over seven years. Walking the line between light and dark forces during his performances, Murkury has shared the stage with the likes of EPROM, DJ Dara, TRUTH, Eliot Lipp, Soohan, Cherub, Late Night Radio, Quetzatl, Artifakts, Flamingosis, The Screaming J's, and many more. With a growing collection of original productions and Undergrowth collaborations in his massive arsenal of underground gems, the endurance to spin for hours on end, and an unmeasurable passion for uplifting the electronic music & art community, this practicing techno-shaman is truly of a unique breed...and he's only getting started"
http://www.soundcloud.com/djmurkury https://www.facebook.com/djmurkury/
------Bryan Divisions------
- Divisions
Ocean City, MD - Asheville, NC
"Bryan Divisions is a spiritual and mystic artist, rapper, and producer whose mission is to unite the world through unity consciousness.
Born and raised in Washington DC, there within him was always an innate sense that there was more to life and love than what was visually perceived in the world.
As he got older, this blossomed into his drive to discover the greater and deeper aspects of life beyond the physical veil.
In his 20's, he began a journey of relinquishing all the previously ingrained belief systems he learned throughout life which only served to limit him, such as fear and doubt. This created a space which allowed room for new beliefs to enter his consciousness.
Through conscious meditation and experiences with multidimensional medicines, his perception of life expanded beyond the physical body, allowing him to understand more of his role as a being with many lives throughout the universe.
This process of self-exploration and discovery began to reveal the unity of creation and the perception that everything we experience has been created from the energy of love, the same energy which created us.
As music found its way into his life, Bryan began creating beats and rhythms that reflect his own journey of balancing internal darkness and light on his path to become whole. The melodies and percussion in his music serve as a platform for his channeled lyrics to celebrate the message of oneness.
As a creator and an artist, Bryan is constantly learning, expanding, and expressing new messages of love to the world."
https://www.facebook.com/bryandivisions/?ref=br_rs http://www.bryandivisions.com/ https://soundcloud.com/bryandivisions
----Arch Jakob----
-Morgantown, WV
"Singer / Songwriter / Producer"
"Here to do what i was sent to do"
https://www.youtube.com/c/Archjakob https://soundcloud.com/archjakob https://www.facebook.com/ArchJakob7/
---Gundar b2b Rudeboylogic---
-Frostburg, MD
"Up and coming artists developing their own unique style, while inspring the crowd through unique bass wobbles that will keep you moving."
"Gunnar, A.K.A. the heady Jedi hustlin' spiritual gangsta... Gundar for short"
https://soundcloud.com/illuminatedrudeboy https://soundcloud.com/user-890585728
___Live Artists____
-Dr. Matthews -Tyler Hamilton - Stellar Primitive Creations
Vendors TBA..
Visuals & 3D Mapping by Shawmaynes
see ya there mayne
Location123 Pleasant Street (View)
123 Pleasant Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
United States
Minimum Age: 18 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |