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Conference: Early Modern Collections in Use
Rothenberg Hall, The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
San Marino, CA
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Conference: Early Modern Collections in Use
Sept. 15-16 (Fri.-Sat.)
From cabinets of curiosities, auction houses, and libraries to stables, menageries, and laboratories, early modern collections played a key role in the creation and transmission of knowledge. But how were these collections used in their own time? Speakers will explore the relationships between space and knowledge through the discussion of a range of themes in the history of collecting: from management to performance, from visitation to dissemination. Cumulatively, the papers will offer a new basis for thinking not only about the origins and content, but also about the functions and dynamics of early modern collections.  

Registration for this 2-day conference is $25, with an optional buffet lunch each day for $20.

Conference registration is $10 for current Huntington docents, and free for current Long-Term Fellows and students with a current Student I.D. Please bring your current I.D. to event day check-in. Students, please note school affiliation after your name when registering.

Conference Schedule


8:30 a.m. - Registration & Coffee

9:30 a.m. - Welcome: Steve Hindle (The Huntington)

Remarks:Elizabeth Eger and Anne Goldgar (Kings College London)

Session 1: Conceptualizing
Moderator: Anne Goldgar

Paula Findlen (Stanford University)
Why Put a Museum in a Book? Ferrante Imperato and Natural History in Sixteenth-Century Naples"

Peter Mancall (University of Southern California and The USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute)
Birds of (Early) America

12:00 p.m. - Lunch

1:00 p.m. - Session 2: Displaying
Moderator: Elizabeth Eger

Vera Keller (University of Oregon)
Johann Daniel Major (1634-1693) and the Experimental Museum

Mark Meadow (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Quiccheberg, Prudence, and the Display of Techne in the Brueghel/RubensAllegories of the Senses

2:45 p.m. - Break

3:00 p.m. - Session 3: Performing
Moderator: Arnold Hunt (University of Cambridge)

Dániel Margócsy (University of Cambridge)
Stables as Collections for Breeding: The Production of Knowledge and the Reproduction of Horses

Anne Goldgar
How to Seem a Connoisseur: Learning to Perform in Early Modern Art Collections


9:00 a.m. - Registration & Coffee

9:30 a.m. - Session 4: Hiding
Moderator: Peter Mancall

Jessica Keating (Carleton College)
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Kunstkammer of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II

Victoria Pickering (The British Museum)
Sealed and Concealed: The Visible and Not-so-Visible Uses of a Botanical Collection
11:30 a.m. - Lunch and time to view exhibition, Visual Voyages: Images of Latin American Nature from Columbus to Darwin, in Boone Gallery (led by exhibition curator Daniela Bleichmar)

1:00 p.m. - Session 5: Visiting
Moderator: Kim Sloan (The British Museum)

Elizabeth Eger
Collecting People

Felicity Roberts (Kings College London)
Sir Hans Sloanes Museum and Animal Encounters

2:45 p.m. - Break

3 p.m. - Session 6: Disseminating
Moderator: Miles Ogborn (Queen Mary University of London)

Alice Marples (The John Rylands Research Institute, University of Manchester)
Raised to High Eminence By the Excitement: Collections and the Creation of Provincial Medical Education

Daniela Bleichmar (University of Southern California)
The Interpretation of Mexican Indigenous Objects in Collections in Early Modern Europe and New Spain

4:45 p.m. - Concluding Roundtable
Arnold Hunt, Miles Ogborn, and Kim Sloan
Mary Terrall (University of California, Los Angeles)


Rothenberg Hall, The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens (View)
1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 91108
United States



Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: The Huntington
On BPT Since: Aug 19, 2013
Juan Gomez

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