Bridges y Puentes
Bridges y Puentes, created by internationally renowned company The Ragroof Players, is a vibrant and engaging show about migration and the search for home, using a multiplicity of languages spoken, sung, played, and danced.
Set in a car park, this promenade show is performed by six actor-dancers. The audience is invited to come on a journey; to step inside many different pairs of shoes as they witness a performance that evolves from, then disappears into, thin air.
Each ticket can be exchanged at the end of the performance for a cup of tea from the Charlton Centre Cafe.
Meet at the Charlton Centre Cafe 10 minutes before the show starts.
Please note that this show is not seated audience members will be on their feet, moving through the car park. We will do our utmost to accommodate audience members with mobility issues, with advance warning please make your needs clear when booking your ticket.
Bridges y Puentes is supported by Arts Council England, Big Lottery, Awards for All, Heritage Lottery, Dover Big Local, Dover Arts Development, Kent County Council,
And made in association with Freedom Festival Hull and Theatre Royal Stratford East
LocationCharlton Shopping Centre Car Park, Dover (View)
Charlton Shopping Centre Car Park, Charlton Centre (Meet @ Charlton Centre Cafe)
Dover CT16 1TT
United Kingdom
Dog Friendly: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |