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A Dark Chocolate/Red Wine Social & UI Sound Studios Music Showcase featuring: Dango Rose ( from Elephant Revival ) and Rosh & the Blind Cafe Orchestra
UI Sounds Studios
Boulder, CO
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A Dark Chocolate/Red Wine Social & UI Sound Studios Music Showcase featuring: Dango Rose ( from Elephant Revival ) and Rosh & the Blind Cafe Orchestra
Blind Cafe Music Productions & Rose-Reeves Productions Presents:

Live @ UI Sound Studios
A Dark Chocolate Social & Music Showcase featuring
- Dango Rose ( from Elephant Revival )
- Rosh & The Blind Cafe Orchestra

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Hosted by:
Rose-Reeves Productions
Blind Cafe Music Productions

Listen to the music!
Dango Rose: www.dangorose.com
Rosh & Blind Cafe Orchestra: www.theblindcafe.com/music

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Date: Thursday June 8, 2017 | 7:00pm - 9:30pm

Time: [ Please Arrive On-Time for 7:00pm ]
- 7:00pm - 7:30pm ~ Dark Chocolate & Red Wine Social
- 7:30pm - 9:30pm ~ Live Music Experience

Location: UI Sound Studios - 2401 Broadway St, Boulder Co. 80304
*Enter parking lot from Maxwell Street | Entrance on North Side of Building

Please Text 303 929 1679 if you need help entering the building.

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Admission: Please RSVP [ no cost ] on Brown Paper Tickets to secure your spot at this show!


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How To Attend this awesome experience of dark choc and music!

- Please bring (1 - 3) friends you've been meaning to connect with but haven't had the time or excuse to get together! Make this event time for you to connect deeper with friends and lovers.

- Please bring a bar of your favorite dark choc &/or red wine to share! When you arrive, break up the bar of Chocolate into small pieces (without opening the package) and display at Dark Chocolate table.

- A Suggested Cash Donation of $20.00 is encouraged.
[ Note: all are welcome regardless of your ability to make a contribution of any sort! ]

*Your cash donations help cover costs of bringing live music to the community and support local and touring artists!

**Your Dark Chocolate contribution helps people eat and enjoy more dark chocolate in their lives!

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Please RSVP [ For Free ] via our Brown Paper Tickets event to ensure your spot!

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About The Show:  

Dango, Rosh & Evan...are inspired to bring this awesome intimate live music experience to Boulder, CO and share the magic of UI Sound Studios.

Producer Evan Reeves has been supporting both Rosh and Dango as artists for years now and it's such a blessing to invite the community and music fans to witness this space.... where many of the songs you'll will hear were written, workshopped, rehearsed and recorded!

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So...what is a Dark Chocolate & Red Wine Social?

Producer Evan Reeves has been supporting both Rosh and Dango as artists for years now and it's such a blessing to invite the community and music fans to witness this space.... where many of the songs you'll will hear were written, workshopped, rehearsed and recorded!

So...what is a Dark Chocolate & Red Wine Social?

A: Most everyone attending the show brings their favorite bar of dark chocolate and/or Red Wine to share, presenting it at the Dark Chocolate/Red Wine Table for all to indulge.

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What is a Live @ UI Sound Studios Music Experience?

A: The Music Experience is intentionally setup to bring you (Boulder, CO ) a warm, cozy and intimate live music listening experience with high quality artists...while surrounding you with dark chocolate, red wine and good friends!

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Please RSVP [ For Free ] via our Brown Paper Tickets event to ensure your spot!

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The Music!

Dango Rose ( from Elephant Revival ) Musician-Artist-Writer
( Listen: http://www.dangorose.com )

Bio: Daniel (Dango) Rose embraces a passion for music as a vital healing influence and as a spiritual path. He creates and collaborates to support harmony and truth. Born with a poet's soul and a warrior's heart his life's journey has been one of transformation.

Filled with gratitude at the opportunities to work with world class musicians and artists, he currently celebrates Elephant Revival as his musical home. ~ On this site, you will find the rest of Dango's Art.

The MUSIC tab contains released & unreleased solo material. In the WRITER tab you will find his "Tales From the Road" travel BLOG and other poetic musings. VIDEOS AND PHOTOS can be found under the gallery tab.

Make sure to sign up for the mailing list to stay up to speed and get free music. A sincere thanks for your support, and for coming by this site. Enjoy."

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Rosh & the Blind Cafe Orchestra
( Listen: https://www.theblindcafe.com/music )

Bio: Rosh is an American singer-songwriter, that performs mostly in 100% darkness with his touring act 'Rosh & The Blind Cafe Orchestra' at the social change music in the dark event, The Blind Cafe Experience.

Born in Boston, MA, residing in the rocky mountain of Colorado, Rosh has been writing music, traveling and touring since 2005. His songs touch in on...a deep sense of making peace with the impermanence of life we all wrestle with day to day.

The weathering of love, sex, transitioning self-identity, gain and lose of friendship...his music brings to the surface these life struggles...honoring these paradoxs with an uplifting sense of appreciation for the unstable element of what it is to be alive.

"I actually cried during your song Transcend which is not something I would have let myself do, if I knew that people could see me. But knowing that I was invisible, it was much easier to let my emotions flow and that felt SO healthy! It was also nice to end on a higher emotional note with everyone singing and standing together. Our table was all holding hands and swaying too! I walked out of there with such a happy full heart!

                        ~  Katie Maginnis, Seattle Blind Cafe

"It dawned on me that I most likely hadnt listened to music in the dark like this since I was a young teenager. It was so liberating to allow my mind and ears to focus on instrumentation with no visual input.
                        ~ Brian Johnson, The Marquee


UI Sounds Studios (View)
2401 Broadway St
Boulder, CO 80302
United States



Minimum Age: 4
Kid Friendly: Yes!
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: The Blind Cafe Experience
On BPT Since: Dec 02, 2009
Rosh ( The Blind Cafe Experience )

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