Ponyo at Globe Cinema
Studio Ghibli Showcase Series: June "Ponyo" directed by Hayao Miyazaki Co-presented by Quickdraw Animation Society
Synopsis: "A five year-old boy develops a relationship with Ponyo, a goldfish princess who longs to become a human after falling in love with him."
Screenings of "Ponyo" on Saturday, June 24th:
12:00pm (doors @ 11:20am): Dubbed version, family friendly - all tickets $7.00
7:00pm (doors @ 6:20pm): Subtitled version, licensed with bar (18+) - all tickets $10.00
LocationGlobe Cinema (View)
617 8 Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 1H1
Minimum Age: 6 |
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |