First drafts of the majority of the poems in Bird~Brain were written in a flurry one summer and fall at the pace of a poem a day. Consistent with the advice of the ancient Roman poet Horace, they spent (roughly) nine years in a draweror, rather, in and out of the drawer as they were rewritten and revised and found their forms. They did so unaided by workshop or writing group or even poet-friend advice. Prior to being accepted for publication and working with an editor (one of the fantastic crew at Trio House Press), the poet went it alonesomething he has wanted to try since hearing the poet Bob Hicok, during a post-reading Q&A, say that he flew solo. To say one flies solo in these matters is a bit disingenuous. During the roughly nine years that these poems were incubating and distilling, they were guided, if subconsciously, by the daily reading that accompanies daily revisingby the poets who have written the books in our stacks who by any other name should be known as our teachers (so as to be overly steered by any one poet-teacher, the Bird~Brain author reads no more than one poem per book before that book goes to the bottom of one of several stacks of eight to ten books).
Long story short, Bird~Brain is now ready for the light of day.
LocationBryant Lake Bowl Cabaret Theater (View)
810 W Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408
United States