March Chapter Meeting
What does the 2017 economic market hold for the design and construction industry in Tennessee? Join us as speaker Ted Townsend provides a unique perspective on the current market, a preview of future market trends, and ways to capitalize on the global impact of our region.
March 23, 2017 Millennium Maxwell House 2025 Rosa Parks Blvd. | Nashville, Tennessee 11:30 am Registration / Luncheon 12:00 pm Guest Speaker: J. Edward (Ted) Townsend, III, Chief Operating Officer for the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development 1:30 pm Adjourn
Prepaid Event Cost for members $20.00/Non-Members $30.00 Fax Reservation by March 20, 2017. Fax 742-0954 or Email: Register Online at AIA/CEH 1 LU/HSW
LocationMillennium Maxwell House (View)
2025 Rosa Parks Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37203
United States