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Aaron Copland: The Tender Land
Le Relais Mont-Royal (Sanctuaire du Saint-Sacrement)
Montréal, QC
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Aaron Copland: The Tender Land
A New Concept to the Story:    (Français à la suite)

Life in a rural community can be lonely for a teenage girl and her younger sister, who creates an imaginary friend as a playmate.  The doll the younger sister usually carries around, we have brought to life as an on-stage character, responding and guiding with her flute.

Laurie, the teenage girl about to graduate, can sometimes hear those themes of innocence and whimsical fantasy, but the music becomes fainter as she is becoming a woman.  When the strict and fearful mother and grandfather appear, the imaginary friend/flutist disappears.

She reappears in the love duet when drifting migrant worker, Martin (who is now from Mexico), opens his soul to Laurie and is instrumental (literally) in bringing them together in a later duet as the twitter of a bird.  They confirm their love and make plans for their new life on the road.

However, the older drifter travelling with Martin, convinces him that the grandfather would be quick to have them arrested if Laurie comes along.   Martin reluctantly leaves with him.   Laurie discovers they have left without her, but is determined to see the world beyond that road.   As the mother tries her best to make her stay, the two finally have it out, expressed so brilliantly in text and music with conflicting rhythms and tempos.

The sister Beth is shocked as Laurie departs.   The final aria sung by the mother is about how endings are beginnings. She hugs Beth close to her.   No longer needed, the flutist exits down the road echoing the final theme of the opera as Beth waves goodbye.  

Note: Beth is the only role that speaks while the others sing.  To make this production bilingual, Beth will speak in French, as she sets up the opera and often repeats what other characters have just sung.   Quebec is bilingual, so we want everyone to enjoy this opera.

Bref commentaire sur le nouveau concept de lhistoire: Sur une ferme du monde rural du Mid-West américain, une adolescente, Laurie, et sa jeune cadette, Beth, font face à des réalités de solitude. Laurie sur le point d'être diplômée, rêve d'une vie plus excitante loin de la ferme tandis que la cadette se crée une amie imaginaire, Danielle. Laurie planifie poursuivre son rêve avec son ami Martin, mais ce dernier l'abandonne à la ferme et quitte sans elle. Des déchirements s'en suivent entre la mère et Laurie, cette dernière finira par fuguer aux désarrois de sa mère et de sa soeur cadette.

Distribution/ Cast:

Danielle/Flute                                      Marie-Noelle Choquette

Beth                                                     Izabella Marengo

Ma Moss                                              Johanne Patry

Mr. Splinters                                        Paul LaFontaine

Laurie                                                  Sandra DAngelo

Martin                                                  Pedro Diaz

Top                                                      Buck Delaney

Grandpa Moss                                     Lars Lih

Mr. Jenks                                             Rodrigo Monardes

Mrs. Jenks                                           Lisa-Marie Thomas

Choeur du Relais Mont-Royal             Johanne Patry, Directrice/Director

Metteur en scène/Director                  Buck Delaney
Directeur-exécutif  musique               Graeme Wilkinson, piano
Executive Musical Director

Directeur musique et voix                   Giancarlo Scalia, piano
Musical Director/Vocal Coach    

Guitare/Guitar                                      Raynald Plante, Pedro Diaz

Violon/Violin                                         Simon Alexandre

Photo                                                    Marcel Jean


Le Relais Mont-Royal (Sanctuaire du Saint-Sacrement) (View)
500, avenue du Mont-Royal Est (Métro Mont-Royal)
Montréal, QC H2J 1W5



Owner: Light Opera of Montréal (LOOM)
On BPT Since: Mar 02, 2017
Light Opera of Montreal (LOOM)

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