Coastal Stage Productions Proudly Presents: Sylvia - Hilarity ensues when middle-aged, upper-middle class Greg finds Sylvia (a dog played by a human) in the park and takes a liking to her. He happily brings her back to the empty nest he shares with his wife Kate. But, when Greg begins to spend more and more time with Sylvia and less time at his job OR with Kate, the power struggle begins. It's laugh-out-loud comedy as we witness the two females fight for love & affection and find out who wins in the end, man or man's best friend! (Some mild adult language)
LocationThe Lourie Theatre (View)
206 North Parler Avenue
Saint George, SC 29477
United States
Minimum Age: 13 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |