Reaching People Beneath the Diagnosis ~ 6.5 CEUs
Providence Health and Services is providing this training. Two days of training are being offered. There is a discount for attending both days! Lunch is additionally included.
This link will take you to registration for both days: http://cdtcshae2.brownpapertickets.com/
This workshop will train attendees in the application of the powerful matrix treatment planning model and specific interviewing techniques to engage difficult clients, address inaccurate or missed diagnoses, and discover the earliest signs of psychosis.
Dr. Shea will teach the powerful matrix treatment planning model to help mental healthcare professionals reach the people beneath the diagnoses, providing practical strategies and techniques for transforming stalled haling and creating resiliency. Matrix treatment planning also provides a refreshing antidote to clinician burnout. Attendees will learn specific interviewing methods for uncovering problematic personality dysfunction through an easily understood and clarifying set of specific interviewing techniques for engaging difficult clients. The session will also address inaccurate or missed diagnoses and the puzzling world of psychosis.
Goal of Training Dr. Shea begins the day by tracking down the answers to two elusive and controversial questions: What is the nature of happiness? and What is the nature of human nature itself? He then demonstrates, with specific clinical examples, how the answers to these philosophical questions can be powerfully applied - a model called "matrix treatment planning" - to reach the people beneath the diagnoses, providing practical strategies and techniques for transforming stalled healing and creating resiliency. Matrix treatment planning also provides a surprisingly refreshing antidote to clinician "burn-out" as both client and clinician undertake their respective quests for happiness.
In the second workshop, Dr. Shea shifts the focus to specific interviewing methods for uncovering problematic personality dysfunction in a sensitive fashion. In an effort to better understand the unique qualities of the people beneath the Axis II diagnoses, he brings new life to psychodynamic concepts such as "object relations" and the "psychology of the self" while integrating them with cognitive and behavioral approaches. The result is an easily understood and clarifying set of specific interviewing techniques for engaging difficult clients, uncovering serious personality pathology, and determining the number of treatment sessions.
In the afternoon, Dr. Shea turns the focus onto one of the most problematic of all clinical gremlins - inaccurate or missed diagnoses. Taking the workshop participants on a sophisticated journey into an exploration of the people beneath the anxiety diagnoses - using a series of vivid videos of actual clinical interviews - he provides a refreshing understanding of how people individually experience and make sense of their anxiety symptoms. From this phenomenological understanding, Dr. Shea demonstrates numerous interviewing techniques that help uncover the complexities of often misunderstood diagnoses such as OCD, PTSD, and panic disorder including their atypical presentations.
In the last workshop Dr. Shea looks at the puzzling world of psychosis. He demonstrates a variety of specific interviewing techniques to help clinicians ferret out the earliest signs of impending psychosis or relapse, while providing a better understanding of the exquisite pain created by psychotic process. In addition he provides immediately practical interviewing techniques for spotting dangerous psychotic process including suicide, homicide, and self-mutilation. Once again Dr. Shea illustrates his interviewing techniques with compelling videos of actual clients experiencing psychotic process.
Behavioral Objectives Be able to apply the principles of "matrix treatment planning" (including healing matrix effects, damaging matrix effects and the "Red Herring Principle") to transform stalled treatment interventions.
Be able to utilize the theories of object relations (Kernberg) and the psychology of the self (Kohut) to apply specific interviewing techniques - such as the complementary shift - to engage difficult clients while quickly spotting serious psychopathology such as borderline, narcissistic, and antisocial process.
Be able to use specific interviewing techniques for rapidly uncovering OCD, PTSD, and panic disorder (including atypical presentations) using the DSM-IV-TR while sensitively understanding the nuances of each of these disorders for each unique client (including the concept of primary, secondary, and tertiary symptoms).
Be able to utilize interviewing techniques for spotting delusional mood, delusional perception, the life-cycle of a psychosis, and dangerous psychotic processes including command hallucinations, alien control, and hyperreligiosity.
Agenda 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.Registration 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Cutting Edge Techniques for Sensitively Structuring the Initial Interview 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.15 minute break 10:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Effectively Engaging People with Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders: The Innovative Use of Object Relations and Self Psychology 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.Lunch 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m The Inner World of the People Beneath the Diagnosis: Sophisticated Interviewing Techniques for Uncovering Anxiety Disorders and Trauma 2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.15 minute break 2:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. The Elusive World of Psychosis: How to Help Patients Share Their Pain, Hallucinations, Delusions and Dangerous Thoughts 4:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.Wrap up
Trainer Shawn Shea, MD, Director, Training Institute for Suicide Assessment and Clinical Interviewing, Keene, New Hampshire
Shawn C. Shea, MD, is an internationally acclaimed workshop leader and educational innovator in the fields of suicide prevention, resiliency, and clinical interviewing, having given over 850 presentations worldwide.
Dr. Shea is the author of six books and numerous articles including one of the classic texts in the field of suicide prevention, The Practical Art of Suicide Assessment. Both editions of his book, Psychiatric Interviewing: the Art of Understanding, have been chosen by the Medical Library Association for the Brandon/Hill List as one of the sixteen most important books in the field of psychiatry.
Dr. Sheas book on creating resiliency in difficult times, Happiness Is., was chosen as a Brodart Library Gem, a Bowker's Title to Watch, and as the Philosophy Book of the Month by the Radical Academy.
Dr. Shea is the Executive Director of the Training Institute for Suicide Assessment and Clinical Interviewing, Inc., a training and consultation service providing workshops, consultations, and quality assurance design in mental health assessments. Dr. Shea is also in private practice.
Pre-registration and payment in advance is required. This course has been approved by CDTC as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #100385. CDTC is responsible for all aspects of their programming.
LocationProvidence St. Vincent's Souther Auditorium (View)
9205 SW Barnes Rd.
Portland, OR 97225
United States
Minimum Age: 16 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |