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2012 National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Convention
Crowne Plaza Richmond Downtown
Richmond, VA
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Thank you for all who made our 2012 convention a great success! See you next year in Fredericksburg!


2012 National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Convention
Youth Track Registration form is available at: http://nfbv.org/2012 Youth Track Registration Form.doc

The 2012 Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia will be held November 2-4, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza Richmond Downtown hotel, located at 555 East Canal Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219.  To make hotel reservations, call the hotel directly at (804) 788-0900 or (800) 227-6963.  Online reservations may be made at www.crowneplaza.com/ric-downtown by using the three character code "nfb".  Special room rates have been negotiated for convention attendee's.  When you call the hotel, make sure to tell them that you are attending the NFBV convention so that you will receive the special convention rate.  The deadline to make hotel reservations is October 19, 2012.  After the deadline, there is no guarantee that you will get a room at the convention hotel.

Child care is available to the children of convention attendee's (ages infant through 5th grade) during 4 sessions of convention.  These sessions are:

Session 1  Friday evening 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Session 2  Saturday morning 8:45 am to 12:15 pm
Session 3  Saturday afternoon 12:15 pm to 5:15 pm
Session 4  Saturday evening 6:45 pm to  hour after banquet adjournment

Snacks will be provided during Session 2 and Session 3.  Even though child care will be open and fully staffed during lunch on Saturday, lunch will not be provided.  Parents should either pick their child up for lunch at the end of Session 2 or provide a lunch for their child to eat in the child care room.  Also, dinner will not be provided on Saturday evening.  Parents should feed their child dinner prior to bringing them to Session 4.  The cost of child care is $5 per family per session.  If you need more information, please contact Child Care coordinator Jennifer Kennedy at (330) 465-6245 or msjenniferkennedy@gmail.com.  Please indicate the number of children per session on the Convention Pre Registration Form.

On Friday afternoon, 3 Seminars will be held between 1:00-5:00 p.m.  They are:

iOS for Dummies - Utilizing iPhone, iPad and iTouch
What's New With and How To Get The Most From NFB Newsline
Chapter Fundraising - What works best from those who have done it

If you need more information, please contact Seminar coordinator Jennifer Kennedy at (330) 465-6245 or msjenniferkennedy@gmail.com.  Please indicate whether you will  attend any of the seminars when you register for the convention.

Running parallel to the convention will be the 2012 Youth Track, presented by the NFB of Virginia Students Division. The Youth Track will:

* Connect students with positive role models and their peers throughout the state;
* Challenge students to think about themselves and their role in the civil rights movement;
* Introduce students to our positive NFB philosophy on blindness;
* Educate students about their choices for blindness skills training;
* Put these new experiences to work through a travel activity outside the convention hotel

If you plan to participate in the youth track, please be sure to complete the "youth track' section of the registration form. Participants under the age of 18 are required to submit an original permission form (available on the NFBV web site at www.nfbv.org) in advance of the convention.

If you need more information, please contact Youth Track coordinator Tracy Soforenko at (703) 635-2085 or PotomacNFB@verizon.net.

On Saturday, there will be luncheons for the Students Division, the Parents Division, the Diabetics Division and the Merchants Division.  Please indicate if you plan to attend one of these luncheons.  Box lunches should be purchased if you plan to attend one of these luncheons.

Box lunches can only be guaranteed for those purchased for those who pre-register and request one.  A limited number may be available for purchase at the convention.


Crowne Plaza Richmond Downtown (View)
555 East Canal Street
Richmond, VA 23219
United States


Education > Conventions

Non-Smoking: Yes!


Owner: National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
On BPT Since: Sep 20, 2012
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

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