Worth Repeating
We are in to Season 2 of San Antonio's favorite live storytelling event and are ready for our next show on Tuesday, February 7th at the Josephine Theater. 7 Storytellers tell 7-minute true stories from their lives.The theme for February is, " Love Hurts...or Does it (stories from the front line of the heart)" A week before Valentine's Day and Worth Repeating wants to make you swoon and laugh at the idea of love. 7 stories from your friends & neighbors on how love can run you ragged and refresh. From big break ups and the one that got away to what makes up family the San Antonio show will bring you to tears one way or another.
They're your friends, neighbors, and co-workers but their stories are anything but water cooler gossip. Think This American Life or The Moth, but sourced local. Texas Public Radio educates San Antonio about the world; now we want San Antonio tell the world about itself. In addition to the live storytelling we hope you will hang out for a beer, and for the music of Rachel Laven.
LocationJosephine Theater (View)
339 W. Josephine
San Antonio, TX 78212
United States