Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry means literally "the Sacred Measure of the Earth." It has been taught as a powerful, practical spiritual science to spiritual initiates in every great spiritual tradition of the world for a very good reason: it can be applied to transform our own life energy, consciousness, and the world around us in the most beneficial ways possible.
Sacred Geometry holds the keys to how non-physical Spirit creates the manifest world through specific patterns, each of which creates specific functions of Life or Consciousness. Sacred Geometry allows us to directly understand the "geometric coding system" that Spirit uses to manifest all Life and Consciousness. It gives us vital insight into the foundations of both spirit and matter as well as the laws and lore of the Universe- insights which can be applied in both spiritual and scientific pursuits. It also allows us to heal the painful split between spirituality and rational, scientific understanding which so afflicts our modern society and our own soul life. Sacred Geometry provides a solid foundation for both Scientific and Spiritual Knowledge.
Every pattern in Sacred Geometry is like a "Letter" in a "Divine Alphabet"; every pattern creates a specific function of Life and Consciousness. We can learn to read these "Letters" (patterns) and then 'spell words' with these divine creative forms. In other words, we learn to read in the book of nature and use spirit's own language of sacred geometry to create optimal effects in any work we undertake.
In this class, we will investigate many sacred geometries. We will begin on a very simple level then explore the depths of the subject with incredibly magical and effective means. Learn to access and awaken the powers of the three primary sacred geometries within your body. You will learn how to create a sacred space, activate a room for protection, and invoke these sacred geometries whereever you are. From the golden spiral to the flower of life and beyond.
Learn the basic principals of how language is learned for the sacred geometry; body language for both physical, astral, and spirit/mental movement/dance/travel; and the initial steps of learning higher dimensional languages.
Utilizing projections, moving mandalas, rituals, art, sacred geometry visualizations, music and more, this class will awaken Sacred Geometry within you like nothing before. The hypnotic effect of the fractal imagery and mandala evolution gives to audience permission to simply breathe and let go. The power of cymatics is in its translation of sound vibration into physical form of light and shadow, granting us the ability to immerse the human body in light, color and sound all keyed to stimulate energy patterns in the body.
suggested pre.requisite* receiving a life activation with chakra balancing, blockage clearings, 16 petal lotus opening to bring and balance the four elements in your being, amongst other sacred and effective clearings will enable you to best receive and experience the sacred geometries and astral travel. This was a required first for myself as an adept, and we highly recommend this for optimum receptivity and presence. Regularly $111 special class rate of $75 for all those booked in the class. Contact Avi at 206.715.6161 or transformationalclarity@hotmail.com to schedule.
Sacred Geometry Monday, August 6th $85-125 sliding scale contribution, materials included.
Teacher Bios
Jason Parker
Founder of Subliminal Phoenix and Introspective Archeology, Dr. Phoenix provides mind-altering audio and visual entertainment and entrainment as tools of transformation and personal growth. As an innovative visual artist and VJ, Jason Parker creates medicinal mandalas and digital cymatic imagery to activate and stimulate. Through extensive study of the neurology and biofeedback, Jason Parker created an innovative system of audio and visual entrainment to help clients control their breathing, heart rate, and access brainwave states for personal goals of transformation and stress reduction. The good doctor wants to enable empowerment in all of his clients seeking to harmonize their frequencies. http://subliminalphoenix.com/
Kurt Hardesty
Kurt is a student and teacher of living thinking, intuition, will, feeling, perception, imagination, movement, and freedom - often overlooked foundational skills required for any and all activities we may desire to take on. He has over a decade of grounded experience in various styles of meditation, Self Inquiry, mysticism, shamanism, and traditional martial arts. He is currently studying Anthroposophy, Waldorf Education, and spiritual developmental biology/psychology.
Avi Leanne Taylor
Avi is an energy medicine practitioner, healer, mentor, educator, medicinal alchemist, marketer, muse, gemstone jewelry designer, avid outdoors enthusiast, faerie, and loves languages, traveling, and bringing people together. She has been providing space for people and bridging the gap between where they are and where they'd like to be -whether it be with spirit, being, business or otherwise, for many years with great success. She also creates intentional community vortexes of AWEsome, and enjoys hosting other gatherings and collaborating with and supporting local artists, healers, massage practitioners and musicians in the process.
Sir Mark Bruback
Sir Mark Bruback is a past commander of the Knights Templar and expert on the Illuminati. He has two books currently out 'Poems to Babalon' and 'Secret and Suppressed II'
LocationThe Bliss Jungle (View)
18025 14th ave ne
shoreline, WA 98155
United States
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Dog Friendly: No |