Israel for REEL teens
Ever wanted to find out more about Israel?Like what it means to be a democratic Jewish state, and thrive as one, in the Middle East today? Why has Conde Nast Traveler votedTel Aviv asfifth-best foodie town in the world? and so much more...
Join us for a unique way to discover Israel, the people, the culture, the country, and so much more... through film and other multi media with our interactive programISRAEL FOR REEL. The ICC@JCC is proud to offer thisunique program to strengthen people'sunderstanding of and connection to Israel.
Use the window of opportunity to check out Israel through film in asafe space where you can discuss, question and debate.
Join us for 7 sessions for high school teens Tuesdays November 1, November 15, November 29, December 13, January 3, January 17, January 31|No meeting Dec 27 7:00-9:00 PM At the Oshman Family JCC $180 for the entire series
For more info please contact Michal Lapede at mlapede@paloaltojcc.org
LocationOshman Family JCC (View)
3921 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303
United States
Owner: ICC@JCC |
On BPT Since: May 12, 2015 |