Evil Cyborg Sea Monsters!
This multimedia comedy show, Evil Cyborg Sea Monsters is a mix of stand up comedy and a slideshow of cartoons about superheroes, action movies, sci-fi, monsters and secret agents.
If youre a fan of Stark Trek, Star Wars, James Bond, Batman, Spiderman, Game of Thrones and time travel: DO NOT come to this show. These things are irreverently mocked and dissected by a pro. Mikes done the show at various theatres, comic book conventions, libraries and comedy festivals.
The show is part of SF Comics Fest. Partial proceeds benefit theCartoon Art Museum here in SF!
Mike Capozzola is a Bay Area based Stand Up Comedian and a published cartoonist (MAD Magazine, Ted Talks, WIRED, Best of McSweeney's). He's on the Advisory Board of The Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. He produces and hosts the annual "Comics 4 Comix" comedy event there.
Also appearing: comedian Tirumari Jothi, a Bay Area comic, cartoonist, graphic designer, and giant nerd.
You can find Tirumari online with his YouTube sketch group, Red Claw Entertainment, or live with his LIVE sketch group, the Worst, or on his stand up showcase Odd! at Oddjob Bar.
LocationSecond Act Events (View)
1727 Haight St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
United States