Agile ASAP 1-Day Full Immersion Agile Training - July 25, 2012
Complete introduction to Agile with strong emphasis on iterative, incremental development using Scrum.
The course objective is to impart the essentials of authentic Agile and Scrum to each participant in the shortest amount of time, via active classroom participation in team exercises, such that each student is ready to bring Agile and Scrum knowledge and experience back to their real-world teams who are planning and building complex products.
Qualifications for Attendance:
We expect you to have some knowledge and experience with the typical Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This is also known as the Waterfall Method. This model has the following activities: System/Information Engineering and Modeling, Software Requirement Analysis, System Analysis and Design, Code creation, Testing, and Maintenance. Some knowledge of Agile & Scrum is useful but not required.
Who Should Attend:
Project sponsors, project managers, project leads, developers, users and testers . Middle managers get A LOT from this course because it is AUTHENTIC Agile and Scrum. As such, middle managers see what "doing Agile" or "adopting Scrum" really means. Adopting these methods enhances and increases the influence of the middle manager. There is nothing to fear from Agile and Scrum, as this class demonstrates. How much more productive and happy teams are when using Agile and the Scrum framework.
Dress Code:
The dress code for the class is casual. Come comfortable and ready to engage in learning.
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM The class will start promptly at 9:30 AM. Please plan on arriving early.
200 West Street Waltham, MA 02451
The classroom is located on the 1st floor. Enter the building. Take the hallway to the left. Walk past the elevators. The door to the classroom will be on your right before the restrooms.
Lunch is not provided, but there is a cafeteria on the 1st floor of the building. When you enter the building, the cafeteria is down the hallway to the right. They're open in the morning for coffee and breakfast food. To get to the cafeteria from the classroom, exit the class, turn left, and walk down the hall. The cafeteria is open in the morning before class and until 2:00 PM.
LocationCorporate Office Park (View)
200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02451
United States