Natural Discourse: Fire!
Natural Discourse: Fire!
Friday September 30, 2016 Lecture and opening reception 7:30 to 8:30 pm Saturday October 1, 2016 symposium 9 am to 4:00 pm at the Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens Speakers dinner at the MorYork Gallery 4959 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90042
Mesmerizing, destructive, seductive, powerful fire is a natural occurrence in the chaparral landscape of Southern CA. Used by native peoples to manipulate the land, fire has become a feared destroyer of real estate. Contemporary fire ecologists are working to change the narrative of destruction and help us understand the ecological importance of letting things burn. Join a group of fascinating speakers to explore our profound relationship with this primeval force. Artists, scientists and thinkers will present talks on ancient pyrotechnology, fire based ecologies, Burning Man, the Alberta Tar Sands, fireworks and more.
Dinner at the MorYork Gallery following the symposium is not included in this ticket. Tickets for dinner can be purchased separately below. Lecture Friday 7:30 to 8:30 pm Sept 30, 2016
The symposium Natural Discourse: Fire kicks off Friday evening with John Doyle's overview of this subject that touches on everything in human evolution for 2 million years. Mia Feuer's monumental sculptures make connections between our intense material dependency and the accelerated environmental impact this creates. In 2013, Mia gained unprecedented access to the Alberta Tar Sands of Fort McMurray to conduct sculptural research. Mia will discuss how she accessed the site, the human relationships she made there, the environmental horrors she witnessed and the work she created before and how this ongoing investigation has transformed her entire practice.
Friday speakers: John Doyle, Jean-Lou Chameau Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems, EE, and BioEng at Caltech Mia Feuer, artist, Assistant Professor of Sculpture at CA College of the Arts
Saturday speakers: Thomas Fenn, Director of the Yale Center for Ancient Pyro-technology George Bennett, photographer, will talk about fire at the Wing House in Malibu Erica Newman, fire ecologist will talk about fire and the chaparral William L. Fox, Director of the Center for Art + Environment at the Nevada Museum of Art, will talk about Burning Man and the Yosemite Fire Fall Sara Hiner, musician and Eric Elias, pyro-technician, will talk about their collaboration on the fireworks at Hollywood Bowl Mark Briggs, river ecologist with the World Wildlife Funds Rio Grande/Bravo Programs about controlled burns on the US/Mexican border
Saturday dinner: Join us Saturday from 5:00 to 8:30 for the speakers dinner at the MorYork Gallery, Clare Graham's modern day 'Wunderkammer'. The gallery, housed in what was a supermarket on York Blvd, is the home of Clare's personal collection of "oddities and sculptural masterpieces". We will enjoy a buffet style dinner and glass of wine, continuing the conversation and wandering through this magical environment. MorYork 4959 York Blvd, Highland Park, CA 90042
LocationThe Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens (View)
1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 91108
United States