Larry and His Flask with Special Guests
Larry & His Flask with Special Guests Friday, August 3, 2012 $5 advance Doors at 9, Music at 10
LARRY AND HIS FLASK: Musical anthropologists interested in the study of just how fast a band can evolve need look no further than the six upright, upstanding men in Oregon's Larry and His Flask. Formed by brothers Jamin and Jesse Marshall in 2003, the Flask (as the band's expanding army of fans calls them) spent its first half-decade stuck in a primordial, punk-rock goop, where a blood-sweat-and-beers live show took priority over things like notes and melodies. Don't misunderstand: The band was (somewhat) skilled and an absolute joy to watch, but the goal was always the party over perfection.
http://larryandhisflask.com http://myspace.com/larryandhisflask http://reverbnation.com/larryandhisflask http://thirdseven.com
LocationThe Shakedown (View)
1212 State Street
Bellingham, WA 98225
United States