The REUNION: a pan-European, post-referendum art party and late night agitprop parade.
Lets not be under any illusions, 2016 as thus far been the shittiest of years. Even before the referendum result, the unpleasantness of both campaigns (but in particular the Leave campaign) had stirred up an intolerance, anger and division that we at Forest Fringe have never before known in this country. Since the vote things have only got worse.
In response we want as a community want to create something hopeful and defiant. A celebration, but also an opportunity to think, to talk, to be together; to consider Europe and our past, present and future place within it. To create, even if only temporarily, a space of shared belonging. Something queer, wild and international in response to so much that is insular, divisive and destructive.
The REUNION will be a building-wide event at our home at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall on Leith Walk featuring a whole range of Forest Fringes finest friends, including Bourgeois and Maurice, the Dead White Males, Peter McMaster, Nick Field, Caroline Williams, Lucy McCormick and Nick Anderson.
More details to be announced very soon.
LocationForest Fringe at Out of the Blue Drill Hall (View)
36 Dalmeny Street
Edinburgh EH6 8RG
United Kingdom