Fall Session: The Force and World Religions; Real World and Fantasy
Is the Force a real thing? Where did the Jedi belief come from? Discover the amazing real world inspirations for the mysticism in Sci-fi and the amazingly diverse belief systems of world religion. This respectful non faith based look will discuss Star Wars parallels in Buddhism, Hinduism, Judeo-Christianity and Islam. This is a great first exposure to world religions.
Primary Instructor: Orion Couling Weeks: 6 Time: 3:45-4:45pm Day: Mondays Start and end date: 8/29-10/10 (no class on 9/5) Location: Pendulum Space in North Center (1803 W Byron St #216, Chicago, IL 60613) Min/max: 3/8 Ages: 8 and up Notes:There will be reading and watching homework in this class Cost:$125.00
LocationPendulum Space/Theatre Momentum, FRONT STUDIO (View)
1803 West Byron Street, Suite 216
Chicago, IL 60613
United States