Scraping Political Data - Web Hacking Techniques
The workshop will introduce the basic philosophy behind transparency activism and how to accomplish it through the use of smart hacks over web platforms. Ownership, privacy and geopolitical use of data will be introduced through case histories of ethical and legal issues with a special focus on financial and corporate data, especially in relationship to the current financial issues and related political protests.
The workshop will develop methodologies and mechanisms for exploring creative and unconventional uses of political data over the web. The workshop will introduce some practical tools, including simple software, coding, and other techniques and tricks to extract data from web servers.
Software that will be explored during the workshop:
IMacro, Fake, Scraperwiki, Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, etc.
Code that will be explored:
PHP, Phynton, Sql, JavaScript, DHTML, etc.
Instructor: Paolo Cirio is well known for web-hacktivism through projects such as Face to Facebook, Google Will Eat Itself and Amazon Noir. He was part of the legendary Italian net-art collective Epidemic which created visionary viruses and P2P software. At the age of twenty-two he was investigated by the Department of National Defense of Canada for his innovative DDOS attacks to the NATO website though a Flash script.
If possible, bring your own mac laptop. Knowledge of coding is not necessary, but very welcome. Minimum age: 18 or high school graduate. Schedule: 2 sessions, Tuesdays 11 am - 5 pm; July 10 and 24
LocationEyebeam Art + Technology Center (View)
540 West 21st Street
New York, NY 10011
United States
Owner: Eyebeam |
On BPT Since: Mar 12, 2012 |