Yasunao Tone: AI Deviation
ISSUE Project Room is pleased to present Japanese-American artist, writer, theorist, and composer Yasunao Tone presenting new work embracing artificial intelligence (AI).
Tone has collaborated with Prof Tony Myatt, University of Surrey UK, and a team of researchers including Mark Fell and Dr. Paul Modler, with the support of the ISSUE Project Room. A series of performances using Tones MP3 Deviation software were captured in a laboratory then used to train Kohoen Neural Networks to develop artificial intelligences that can simulate several of his performance approaches. The AIs are integrated in a software framework and computer performance system that extracts attributes from the audio they generate to listen to the output and make performance actions as if they were virtual Tone performers. Five versions of Tone AI exist in the performance software, each of which exhibits certain responses modeled on those previously adopted by Tone.
In performance Tone will deviate and control AI versions of himself along with the mechanisms that each AI uses to hear and respond to the audio they generate; deviating and corrupting the technologies designed to simulate his own performances, deviating and interacting live with AI versions of himself as performer.
LocationISSUE Project Room (View)
22 Boerum Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201
United States