WCTA Breakfast: Storing Energy
An extraordinarily important part of the energy problem is our ability to store it. Why are petroleum, coal, and natural gas so important? What is one of the biggest problems blocking the advancement of renewable energy resources? Energy storage is a key problem--and opportunity. Come here some of our state's best thinkers--and doers--on the topic.
Craig Collar is the Senior Manager for Energy Resource Development at Snohomish County Public Utility District and leads many of the District's renewable energy efforts. Prior to joining SnoPUD Craig held a number of engineering and operations leadership positions for Kimberly Clark and also served as a Navy submarine officer. Craig holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Montana State, as well as an MBA from Colorado State, and is a registered Professional Engineer.
Doug Staker is Vice President of Business Development & International Sales for Demand Energy. Prior to joining Demand Energy in early 2009, Doug was Vice President and General Manager of International Sales and Marketing for Itron, a leading provider of technology to automate the electric, gas and water utility industry. At Itron, he was specifically responsible for developing emerging International markets and the management of their overseas subsidiaries. Prior, he was responsible for product line management and product development of fixed network and residential Automatic Meter Reading systems, which generated over $1B of revenue for the company. His experience includes business development, product line management, and product development. Doug has over 25 years of utility industry experience.
Chris Wheaton is the Chief Operating & Financial Officer and a co-founder of EnerG2. Leveraging a breadth of operations experience spanning 20 years, Chris has executive responsibility for all of the internal operations of EnerG2, including product development, finance and manufacturing. Since co-founding the company in 2003, he has helped capitalize it with over $50 million in funding from venture capital, banks, governments, the military, corporations, and community development entities. Chris received a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Dr. Zhenguo (Gary) Yang is Chief Executive Officer (and Co-Founder) of UniEnergy Technologies, LLC, a Seattle-based clean energy company with focus on scale-up and commercialization of next generation vanadium redox flow batteries for renewable integration and electrical grid applications. Previously, Dr. Yang was a Lab Fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he led extensive efforts in research and development of varied electrochemical energy storage technologies, in particular for utility applications. Dr. Yang has authored/co-authored 200 research papers and is an inventor/co-inventor on over 50 patents (including pending). He is a Fellow of ASM International.
August 2 | 730-900 am | Fourth & Madison Building, 925 Fourth Ave, 18th Floor Conference Room, Seattle. Prices: WCTA Members (Early Bird) $25 | Non-Members (Early Bird $35 | WCTA Members $40 | Non-Members $50 | At the Door $60.
LocationFourth & Madison Building (View)
925 Fourth Ave, 18th Floor Conference Room
Seattle, WA 98101
United States