Die Schattenparker
Die Schattenparker is a film about what in Germany are known as Wagenplätze, or mobile home squats. Consisting mainly of renovated construction trailers from the former East Germany, these encampments sprung up in every major German city following the decline of the traditional German squat scene in the '90s.
For 15 years the residents of the squat known as the Schattenparker in Freiburg, Germany have been subjected to evictions and expulsions. Despite an intensive search for a site, public actions, and negotiations, no solution can be reached. Shortly before being evicted from another site, the Schattenparker residents voluntarily leave and occupy a vacant lot, in order to gain acceptance for their form of living and to negotiate a lease for the undeveloped land.
The city of Freiburg (politically synonymous with the Green Party) then reacts with a large-scale police action, resulting in the impoundment of the 30+ trucks and trailers of the Schattenparker, in the dead of winter. This film documents residents' ultimately successful struggle to regain their homes and negotiate a lease with the city. It was produced by the indymedia collective cinerebelde with the help of the Schattenparker.
With music from: Früchte des Zorns, Guts Pie Earshot, The Restarts, Elektroduendes, Tanglefoot, Ballast, and Cwill.
The film will be followed by a Q & A with UW Germanics Professor Jason Groves and Professor Christian Arndt from Nürtingen-Geislingen University (Germany) in conversation with Zeitgeist Northwest board member and Seattle Chapter Chair Aaron Choate. Jason Groves translated and subtitled the film while living in Freiburg adjacent to the contested Schattenparker site. Christian Arndt has lived next to the Tübinger Wagenburg and knows one of the film's bands, as well as a resident of the Freiburger SUSI. Aaron Choate first heard about the subject while researching Passive House and mass timber construction projects, such as Das Quartier Vauban in Freiburg and Bahnstadt in Heidelberg.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0xSh-LHVOA
LocationNorthwest Film Forum (View)
1515 12th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122
United States