DredgeFest California Tours
The Dredge Research Collaborative invites you to visit the unique sedimentary landscapes of San Francisco Bay and the California Delta in a pair of tours set to run on Saturday June 18 and Sunday June 19 starting at 10am.
The Bay-Delta system is a complex network of human generated terrain and vital habitat. As sea levels begin to rise, and the sediment pulse begun during the Gold Rush wanes, the future of the region is at question. Hard questions are ahead for the best way to adapt to these changes. Can we move quickly enough to develop new ecologies and living landscapes or is the future going to consist of drowned marshes and armored shores?
It is in this context that we will explore the remarkable practices of sediment management and the ecological, commercial, and industrial uses of these landscapes. The tours will visit a variety of locations where sediments are being beneficially reused, and sculpted to build experimental and multifunctional landscapes. Tour narration will be provided by a wealth of regional experts and agencies, including the US. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Water Resources.
The Saturday tour will focus on the San Francisco Baylands, where climate change, restoration and sediment shortages present critical design challenges. We will explore multiple sites along San Pablo Bay where dredged material is being used to construct wetlands, and where earthworks are shaped to accrue sediment and accelerate marsh formation. Specific sites will include Hamilton Wetlands (former military airbase), Sears Point and Sonoma Baylands.
The Sunday tour will explore the unique leveed landscapes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and how this landscape is changing as levees are augmented, dredge placed, and novel ecologies experimented with. Specific stops will include Montezuma Wetlands, the Dutra Dredge Museum, Whale Mouth Restoration/subsidence reversal, and Antioch Dunes.
These tours are open to the public and welcome to curious participants of all levels. They will give you an opportunity to experience these dynamic places first-hand. Participation in both tours is encouraged, as the relationship between the two landscapes will be a significant topic of discussion throughout the events.
LOGISTICS Both tours will depart from UC Berkeley, last about 6-8 hours and return you to UC Berkeley at the end. This transportation is included in the ticket price. Single day and discounted both day tickets are available via the dropdown menu above.
We will leave at 10 am so you must be present before the departure.
We will meet on Bancroft Way between College Ave and Piedmont. If you look on street view, you'll see food trucks parked near the curb which is where the buses can drop off passengers. https://goo.gl/maps/GX9YcqmxTku
Seating (and thus ticketing) is limited.
ABOUT THE DRC The Dredge Research Collaborative is an independent nonprofit which investigates human sediment handling practices and landscape architecture. Our mission is to advance public knowledge about sediment management and to participate in envisioning and realizing preferred sedimentary futures. We believe that dredging is a key component of a much wider cycle of human practices that accelerate, decelerate, transport, and materially alter sediments. Together, these activities constitute landscape architecture at continental scales. DredgeFest begins with dredging, but DredgeFest is about much more than dredging.
LocationUniversity of California-Berkeley (View)
Wurster Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
United States