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Explore Programming w/ Nick Montfort
School for Poetic Computation
New York, NY
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Sunday May 15, 2016 1:00 PM - Sunday May 15, 2016 4:00 PM | $50.00 - $100.00


Explore Programming w/ Nick Montfort
This workshop is for beginners only! This will be a true introduction to computer programming and how it can be used for inquiry and creativity, no previous programming experience needed.

The workshop is based on Nick's book Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities https://mitpress.mit.edu/exploratory. The workshop will cover the initial, core concepts of the book, while the book will allow participants, individually or in informal groups, to continue their explorations in different media and using more advanced methods. Participants get a copy of the book, provided at the event.

Sunday May 15th from 1pm - 4pm

Nick will lead participants as they explore computer programs through modification (from the bottom up) and as they start learning the fundamentals of programming (from the top down).

*  Writing programs is not intimidating; it's editing a text file.
*  The difference between valid code (a program that runs) and code that does what you intend, along with how error messages are actually helpful.
*  The fundamentals of programming -- looping and iteration, bundling code together in functions, and using data of different types.
*  How to undertake small-scale projects and see that computer programming is not an abstract mathematical exercise, but part of our culture.

Although we will be working with JavaScript and Python, the fundamentals you will learn in this workshop will not be specific to a particular programming language. They will provide a basis for a great deal of further programming.

We will be approaching programming as a cultural activity that is accessible to everyone. Our work will focus on text, but Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities includes exercises and suggested projects that deal with images, statistics and visualization, animation, sound, and interactivity.

*  If you have a Mac, PC or Linux laptop and know how to use it - you are set. Bring your computer! (Tablets and mobile phones won't work.)
*  Anaconda to be able to use the system we will work in, iPython Notebook: https://www.continuum.io/downloads
*  A true text editor, such as TextWrangler for Mac (not TextEdit): http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/
*  Or on Windows, the text editor Notepad (built in) will work but Notepad++ (free to download) is preferable.


School for Poetic Computation (View)
155 Bank St
New York, NY 10014
United States


Education > Workshops
Other > Technology

Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!


Owner: SFPC
On BPT Since: Feb 09, 2016

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