Revitalizing Sewn Goods in Seattle
A workshop and happy hour for the sewn-goods industry. Hosted by Seattle Good Business Network with support from the City's Department of Neighborhoods, the event will bring together the sector's players and its allies in an effort to understand the state of the sector with an eye to strengthening and expanding it.
We'll kick off with a brief overview of the industry's history, share some visionary projects that are breathing new life into sewn-goods sectors around the country, then break into small groups to share our understanding of where Seattle's industry is - exploring our challenges and opportunities - and wrap up with a happy hour.
Please come give us input, connect with colleagues, and help shape the future of the industry!
*Note that this event is by invitation only. Please do not share without permission!
Location220&Change, Impact HUB Seattle (View)
220 2nd Ave S (Pioneer Square)
Seattle, WA 98104
United States