July 25th Waltham - Agile Boston Monthly Meeting
In this session you'll experience a few interactives from the book "Moving Beyond Icebreakers" which includes over 300 interactives and how to use them effectively to achieve meeting goals, build team, address difficult issues, and engage communities. Learn how seemingly simple activities can have the power to transform your meetings and your teams. Visit movingbeyondicebreakers.org to learn more about the book and the model that we have used for over 25 years in our work to effectively change communities.
About The Presenter:
Heang Ly has over Thirteen years of experience leading both youth and adult groups in a variety of settings. She has organized and led teams in schools, non-profits, community groups, and universities. As Director of Consulting and Training at The Center for Teen Empowerment, Heang provides trainings as well as short term and long term technical support to any organization or company interested in using Teen Empowerment's Moving Beyond Icebreakers interactive approach to leading meetings, facilitating, and managing groups. The Moving Beyond Icebreakers Model, is the product of over 25 years of thoughtful experience in making institutions in the community more effective, impacting the values, beliefs, and behaviors of youth and adults, and developing mechanisms for people of all ages to work together productively toward achieving their goals.
For more information about the organization's powerful work in the community, visit teenempowerment.org. Ms. Ly has been with the Center for Teen Empowerment for seven years. She holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, in Psychology and Education as well as a Master's degree from Harvard's Graduate School of Education in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy.
CORPORATE OFFICE PARK 200 West Street Waltham, MA 02451
The event room is located on the 1st floor. Enter the building. Take the hallway to the left. Walk past the elevators. The door to the event room will be on your right before the restrooms.
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200 West Street
Waltham, MA 02451
United States