Business: AIA Leadership Affirmation 2016 Followed by Meeting Topics: "How Email Policies Impact Projects" and Annual AIA Tennessee 2016 State of the State Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker David N. Garst, JD Lewis Thomason Nashville, TN
January 28, 2016 Millennium Maxwell House 2025 Rosa Parks Blvd. | Nashville, Tennessee 11:30 am Registration / Luncheon 11:45 am Installation of Officers/Business 12:15 pm Guest Speaker 1:15 pm Adjourn
Prepaid Event Cost for members $20.00/Non-Members $30.00 Fax Reservation by January 25, 2016. Fax 742-0954 or Email: Register Online at AIA/CEH1 LU
LocationMillennium Maxwell House (View)
2025 Rosa Parks Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37203
United States