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Ergo Sum (Therefore I Am)
The Bebe Theatre
Asheville, NC
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Ergo Sum (Therefore I Am)
What should happen in our lives to realize who really we are? This is the story of any given person -it doesn't matters its name, gender, age or any other aspect- the moment after they find out they're infected of HIV, its reaction toward itself, the world and life.

This movement piece is produced on behalf of Odori Desu Contemporary Art and has been performed in Merida, Mexico and Santiago de Cuba.

More information on Odori Desu:
Odori Desu Arte Contemporáneo.

La agrupación se dio a conocer públicamente en 2011 con la pieza "Tinaja", proyecto que obtuvo una beca de producción del Diplomado de Danza Contemporánea con especialidad en coreografía "Práctica de Vuelo" realizado por la Coordinación Nacional de Danza y otras instituciones culturales del país. Esta obra se ha presentado en diversos escenarios de la ciudad de Mérida así como en Santiago de Cuba como parte del XXXV Festival del Caribe, efectuado en dicha ciudad en julio de 2015. Posteriormente, presentó "...Y Tan Solo" en diversos foros de la capital yucateca como el Festival Nacional e Internacional de Danza Contemporánea Oc'-Ohtic 2012 y el Festival Anual de las Artes 2014. Ese mismo año produjo la pieza "Feminaria" y en diciembre de 2015 presentará "Ergo Sum" (Entonces, Soy), ambos trabajos se inscriben en el marco del Festival Cultural de Jóvenes Creadores de SEDECULTA, y este último se incluirá también en el Festival de Arte Fringe en Asheville, Carolina del Norte Estados Unidos en enero de 2016.

Odori Desu Contemporary Art.

It's been publicly known since 2011, when premiered the piece "Tinaja", project that got awarded a production grant on behalf of the Contemporary Dance Diplomat "Flying Practice", organized by the Dance Mexican Coordination and others cultural institutions of that country. This work has been performed in different forums in Merida, Mexico (where the company resides) as well as in Santiago de Cuba as part of the XXXV Caribbean Festival that took place in that city in July, 2015. Later on, it was created the piece "So Lonely" that has also been performed in diverse forums of the Capital City of the Yucatan, such as the Contemporary Dance Festival Oc'-Ohtic 2012 and the Arts Annual Festival 2014. That very year produced the work "Feminaria" and in December, 2015 will do the same with the piece "Ergo Sum" (Therefore I Am). Both have been part of the program of the Young Creators Festival, organized by the Yucatan Government Culture and Arts Ministry, and the later has gotten an invitation to perform in the "Asheville Fringe Arts Festival" in Asheville, North Carolina, USA in January, 2016.


The Bebe Theatre (View)
20 Commerce Street
Asheville, NC 28801
United States


Arts > Dance
Arts > Performance
Arts > Theatre

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: The BeBe Theatre & Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre
On BPT Since: Dec 05, 2011
Asheville Fringe Arts Festival

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