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Andrew Harvey : Sacred Marriage
Libby Gardner Hall (University of Utah)
Salt Lake City, UT
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Andrew Harvey : Sacred Marriage
There is a Friday evening event, and a Saturday full day workshop.

Friday Feb 5th 2016 - evening event : Sacred Marriage

The evening will be dedicated to a vision of the sacred marriage, drawn from Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Sufi sources. The main concentration will be on Jesus outstanding vision of radiant embodiment as expressed in certain logions of the gospel of Thomas. The sacred marriage between transcendence and immanence light and dark, heart and mind, body and soul, is the key to the divination process and the evolutionary birth that is struggling to take place against great odds, in our contemporary dark night crises.  Understanding deeply its radiant possibilities, can give us hope, strength, passion, peace and profound purpose.

Andrew Harvey will end his presentation with his vision of sacred activism, as the most necessary sacred marriage for our time, a marriage of profound spiritual depth and energy with wise focused radical action. On every level to help preserve the world and cooperate with the divine in birthing a new humanity.

This event is sponsored by Mary Jane O'Connor

Date: Feb 5th, 2016
Time: 7:30 -9.30pm
Location: Libby Gardner Hall (on U of U campus)
Cost: $20/$35/$100

There is also a Saturday Workshop. More details below.
Get your ticket here: andrewharvey.brownpapertickets.com

Saturday Feb 6th full day workshop : Sacred Marriage

After presenting his vision of the sacred marriage, Andrew Harvey will share the tools that he believes are most essential to realizing it. He will present three Sacred practices, a seven path body practice that brings the light down into the cells of the body. A sacred heart practice from the Sufi tradition that enables the practitioner to experience union in heart, mind and body with the Beloved. And the great transformative practice of unconditional compassion, known as Tonglen from the Tibet Tradition.

Secondly he will attempt to take you into the mystery of the shadow into two interrelated ways - the shadow of our unprecedented crises and our personal shadows that collude with its destructiveness. The day will end with his vision of love and action, and his unveiling of the five forms of sacred service that need to be fused to birth you into being a humble and empowered agent of change in our chaotic time.

Andrew Harvey is Founder Director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization that invites concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired and effective agents of change. Sacred activism is a form of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual passion with wise radical action in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force for preserving and healing the planet and its inhabitants.

Andrew Harvey has taught at Oxford and Cornell University's well as at various colleges and spiritual centers throughout the world. He has written over 30 books.

This event is sponsored by Mary Jane O'Connor

Saturday Workshop
Date: Saturday Feb 6, 2016
Time: 9-4pm
Location: University Guest house - Officers Club Building
150 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
Building 649
Salt Lake City, UT
Cost: $100


Libby Gardner Hall (University of Utah) (View)
1375 East Presidents Circle
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
United States




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