Beginning Puppetry with Rachel Jackson
Beginning Puppetry with Rachel Jackson 2-4pm, Sunday April 8th Cost: $30 pre-reg/$35 day-of
In this fun, dynamic class, you'll learn the foundations of good stage puppetry - focus, physical commitment and basic puppet manipulation. We'll focus on how to make your puppet "live" and connect with the audience. You'll get lots of hands-on time with puppets (arm and rod "Muppet-esque", live hand and bunraku styles), plus a simple practice puppet to take home so you can keep working on your skills.
No puppet experience required.
Class size limited to 15. Visit tincanseattle.com or contact Michael (michael@tincanseattle.com) or 206-854-1668 to register
About Rachel: Rachel has been performing whatever theatrical discipline she can get her hands on since the age of 13 - mime, musical theater, scripted drama and comedy, improv and, most recently, puppetry. The twisted mind behind the hit "MANOS - The Hands of Felt" and owner of Vox Fabuli Puppets, Rachel has been puppeteering on various Seattle stages since 2008.
LocationTin Can Studio (View)
3130 Airport Way S. #510
Seattle, WA 98134
United States
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |