Practical Creativity
Practical Creativity Creativity isn't some esoteric bounty bestowed on the pious or the lucky. It's a skill that can be learned and transformed into a daily practice. Many creativity classes and books insist that if you journal or collage a dream board or claim a god from the pantheon to serve as your muse, you'll someday become an artist. Practical Creativity says the opposite. It's a workshop that will give you pragmatic steps to follow to create a working environment that will help you create with strength and ease. It will give you the tools necessary to put a pen to paper, a butt in a chair, and a brush to a canvas to <strong>Get the Job Done. By integrating the 10 straight-forward techniques: <strong>Permission, Restraint, Rhythm, Accountability, Respect, Comfort, Chemistry, Momentum, Consumption and <strong>Analysis you'll leave the workshop with a game-plan for unleashing your inner artist and doing your best work yet.
Guest Instructor Allison Moon
1001 SE Division
Portland, OR 97202
United States
Name Withheld
Portland, OR United States
Apr 30, 2012 7:29 AM |
Name Withheld
Portland, OR United States
Apr 29, 2012 7:24 AM |
Name Withheld
Portland, OR United States
Apr 26, 2012 3:00 PM |
Name Withheld
Portland, OR United States
Apr 24, 2012 3:50 PM |
Name Withheld
Portland, OR United States
Apr 24, 2012 3:50 PM |