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Visiting Analyst Weekend With Evelyne Albrecht Schwaber, M.D.
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
Pittsburgh, PA
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Visiting Analyst Weekend With Evelyne Albrecht Schwaber, M.D.
Reflections on my Journey in How We Listen
The presentation will begin with a ten-minute showing of On Empathy, Kohut's last presentation (1981). It completes the circle in the spotlight he shone, since 1959, on the concept of empathy and its fundamental nature within psychoanalytic observation and data-gathering. My own pathway in analytic training which I shall try to illustrate, molded particularly in comparative supervisory encounters, led me to recognize the extraordinary
power in grappling with the implications in Freud's groundbreaking discovery, defining the domain of psychoanalysis: "psychic reality"  that is,
inner reality  "as the decisive kind." e concept of empathy, understood
not as a theory-specific or technical stance, but as intrinsic to our mode of
listening and observation, may then be viewed as a central dimension illuminating this intrapsychic domain, -- our psychoanalytic data base.
Clinical examples including citations from the work of Freud and Kohut, commentary from the late Japanese psychoanalyst, Takeo Doi, and observations from infant research illuminated by Louis Sander, will be offered for further elaboration.

Educational Objectives: 1. To discern more subtly differing cues by which individual reality may be revealed in listening to and observing
patients' associations and behaviors,
2. to describe the distinctively analytic mode of observation of the workings of patients' minds, and
3. to note added dimensions in the illuminative power in a stance of ongoing struggle to listen, and the rewards in capacity for discovery.

Friday, March 16, 2012
Western Pychiatric Institute and Clinic Auditorium 3811 O'Hara St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
7-7:25 PM Registration
7:30 - 9:45 Presentation and
Saturday, March 17, 2012
9:00-9:20 Registration
Case Presentation with Eric Rankin, Ph.D. Professor of Behavioral Medicine & Psychiatry West Virginia University, Advanced Candidate Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Center
With Commentary by Dr.Schwaber
The focus will be on details of the data-gathering process, and how we sharpen the view of nuance. Looking at process notes of single session(s), we'll try to sharpen our view on nuances of communications, both verbal and nonverbal (pauses, shifts in affect, etc). Effort will be made to highlight attendance to cues we might otherwise overlook, and to reflect on some of our assumptions and inferences  whatever our espoused theoretical model  to see how these may or may not hold up or stand in the way of opening yet untried paths.
Educational objectives: 1. To develop awareness of how
one listens to the clinical data, noting distinctions - and
ramifications - between hypotheses generated and
evidence for them; 2. To heighten capacity to detect verbal
and non-verbal cues that may be otherwise overlooked,
and to consider further implications in the nature of
therapeutic action.

3 Continuing Education Credits Available


Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (View)
3811 O' Hara St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
United States


Education > Classes
Education > Workshops

Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!


Owner: Pitsburgh Psychoanalytic Center
On BPT Since: Jan 21, 2012
Maya Andlig, Executive Director

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