Women of Color Empoweed: Women and Money
WOC CO-CHAIRS: Charlene Grinolds and Francine Griggs PLANNING COMMITTEE: Elizabeth Younger, Connie Sugahara, Diane Martin, Kathy Purcell, Leny Valerio-Buford, Assunta Ng, Shoko Toyama, Rosa Melendez, Lourdes Sampera Tsukada, Sonia Doughty, Bonnie Miller, Sylvia Cavazos, Kiku Hayashi, and Winona Holins-Hauge LUNCHEON PRICING: Discounted price of $35 if purchased by September 14. Full price of $45 after September 14. Walk-ins $50. Student price of $25 with I.D. before September 14; $30 after September 14; student walk-ins $35. No tickets will be mailed; confirmation is by e-mail only. $350 for a table. To sponsor the event including logo online and print and table is $1,000. Men are welcome! MAKE RESERVATIONS: To purchase tickets, call us at 206-223-0623, fax the above form to 206-223-0626, mail a check to Women of Color Empowered, P.O. Box 3468, Seattle, WA 98114, or email rsvp@ nwasianweekly.com. For more information, visit womenofcolorempowered.com.
Location China Harbor Restaurant (View)
2040 Westlake Ave. N
Seattle, WA 98109
United States