January Meeting of Agile Boston
The book by the same name, LEADERSHIP AGILITY, describes stages of development in leaders of organizations. The model has 5 levels: Expert, Achiever, Catalyst, Co-Creator, and the Synergist. At each level the leader displays more and more reflection, perspective-taking, and insight. These are the very skills leaders need when contemplating an Agile adoption.
Bill Joiner, the author of this book, joins us for the January meeting to explain the Leadership Agility framework. This meeting is especially important for managers, directors and vice-presidents who are seeking more Agility for their organizations. Leaders set the stage for all that follows and the content in this session is sure to stimulate your thinking about the role of leaders, the stage of development they are at, and how it all fits inside your wider Agile adoption initiatives.
LocationMicrosoft Waltham MA
201 Jones Road; Sixth Floor
Waltham , MA 02451
United States