Join us for a Halloween celebration of the finest full frequency and multi-sensory variation!
We're taking over the Nihil Gallery in Gowanus Brooklyn, and rolling out a frighting amount of the Tsunami Bass Sound System, along with our 5Hz transducing TBE~WaVe~ installation, to faciliate the vibratory elations deluged by:
NOMINE: | TEMPA, UK | http://www.nominesound.com/ https://www.facebook.com/NomineSound https://soundcloud.com/nominesound
SAM BINGA: | CRITICAL MUSIC, UK | http://www.criticalmusic.com/artist/sam-binga/ https://www.facebook.com/sambingamusic https://soundcloud.com/sam_binga
GHOST PRODUCER Live, w/Film by Raz Mesinai https://ghostproducer.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/thereisonlyoneghostproducer
CONSCIOUS PILOT: https://www.facebook.com/consciouspilotdubstep https://soundcloud.com/consciouspilotdubstep
TSUNAMI BASS: http://www.tsunamibass.com/ https://soundcloud.com/tsunami-bass-experience https://www.facebook.com/TsunamiBassExperience
And maaayyybeee another secret guest or 3, who knows?
And thats not all, in addition to the finest kinesthetic sound in the Brooklyn underground, live reactive immersive visual installation by JIGGLEBONES, live painting by Tim Eakon Avatar and much, much more is in store. We're even tricking up a special treat featuring... monster robots in heat?! Get ready to bear close intimate witness to featured sexual exhibitions by IFAM's Amorous Sea Pickle Vs. Clawmonster, coming from the Zhashakk Autnonomous Zone Central Asian Republic to unleash some terrifically titlating live fusion performance art.
All taking place aboard admist the full force of the Tsunami Bass Sound System combined with our down to 5Hz transducing TBE~WaVe~ installation for the ultimate in kinestetic stimulation of the low frequency decency variation. Get ready to feel as much as hear each and every vibe at levels so ample deep & clear.
Come early, stay late and if you purchase a pre-sale ticket don't hesitate to join us for an exclusive sound check session on the early tip, 9-10pm. An intimate special treat, meet & greet, featuring FREE libations, merchandise raffles and other titilating sensations only available to a limited number of EARLY BOO / FIRST TIER ticket holders. Secure your passage today and prepare to be perceptually swayed!!
Costumes are encouraged but not required but those displaying superlative effort of the inspired might qualify for a special treat at the door. No matter what you wear, be forewarned, personal floatation devices are highly recommend because this deluge will continue at levels unabated. And make sure to photo bomb Shelby Fyre who will be holding down primary source documentation duties of all the little gouls and bootys.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We ain't 'fraid of no Hz!"
Pleaes do help us spread the good word & kindly tag ~> #HzOFHORROR
LocationNIHIL GALLERY (View)
251 Douglass Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
United States