GSC Club Night
The Graduate Student Council has extended an invitation to the post doc community to their next event:
Get excited because the first CLUB NIGHT of the year will be on 11/18/11. That's a week from this Friday! For those of you who aren't familiar with this event, about once a quarter, we coordinate a trip to a Hollywood club with grad students at UCLA and USC. This quarter we will be going to Boulevard 3 on Sunset (www.boulevard3.com/). The cost will be $20, which includes drinks and snacks at the social hour before we leave, transportation to and from the club, and club entrance! This is a great deal and promises to be a really fun night!
You can reserve as many seats on the bus as you would like (outside guests are welcome!!), and your ID will be charged $20 for each seat you reserve. Students get into the club free until 10:30 with valid student ID and government issued 21+ ID. Cover will be charged for non-students and anyone arriving after 10:30. The bus will be leaving Caltech around 9PM. More information will be sent out about location and times next week.
LocationBoulevard 3 (View)
6523 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028-7201
United States
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |