Transgendered Jesus...Juggernut...The Blowdryers... Transgendered Jesus is the multi media punk art band who was founded by the husband and wife art duo: Anne Hanavan and Paul Korzinski in 2010. The have played along side Laurie Anderson, Peaches and Marina Abramovic. Transgendered Jesus uses a combination of performance art, sculpture, music and multi layered video projections to release their pent up rage at the current start of world affairs and the hypocrisy of the United States penal system. Anne Hanavan vocal and art director... Paul Korzinski sax and props... Texas Clamp drums... Ian Wilson guitar... Sebastian Correa aka Sprocket Thunderrod... Giorgio back up vocals... Frank Hanavan stage manager and art installer... Joe Birdsong and Charles Lawrence spiritual leaders... Dolman installation by RAFAEL SANCHEZ & KATHLEEN WHITE
LocationTheatre 80 ST. MARKS
80 Saint Marks Place
New York, CA 10003
United States