The Animation Project (Megan Nicely and Kate Elswit)
The Animation Project Megan Nicely and Kate Elswit
December 16th and 17th, 2011 preshow at 8pm, show at 8:30
"The Animation Project" draws on curiously focused attention, hidden energetic properties of bodies/things, and elements of sublime humor to explore the composition of alternate worlds in performance.
As artist-scholars, some of the questions we are asking include: What kinds of motors set events in motion? How can they be sustained and sustain us? We propose these two evenings as themselves a set of animating circumstances through which we can draw others into our process of "The Animation Project" and its eclectic influences.
"The Animation Project" began in February 2011 as an "Articulate Body Lab" workshop at the University of Michigan symposium on "Movement, Somatics and Writing." Its next incarnation will be at PSi#18 in Leeds, UK in July 2012, where we are working with sustainable economies of performance. Future Bay Area dates tba.
We are excited to share this process with you.
LocationThe Garage (View)
975 Howard
San Francisco , CA 94103
United States