Spectral Theatre's "Late-Night Double Feature" Sept. '11
Every month, all throughout the summer, Spectral Theatre's "Late-Night Double Feature" has presented two spooky/weird/unusual/offensive scripts lovingly crafted by the freaky, filth mongers in and around Spectral Theatre and performed them live on the stage with some of Vancouver's most gruesomely gifted, up-and-coming performers. For our final month of the series we're going out in a blaze of glory. Don't miss it because you'll feel silly if you do.
"Clockwork" written by Michael Cope. Directed by Seth Little and Simon C. Hussey. Featuring Erin Regan, Seth Little, Lisa MacLeod, Vincent Riel, David Quast and Andrew Harron.
A curious steam-punk inspired script read aloud by the Grimmsfield Radio Players and accompanied by live foley artists. Inspired by radio serials of the 30's and 40's "Clockwork" aims to immerse the audience in the experience of being "live on the air".
"Succubus A Go-Go" written and directed by Dr. Fandango. Featuring Seth Little, Little Miss Risk, Simon C. Hussey, Gerald Varga, Vincent Riel, Jim Dreichel, Lisa MacLeod and a very special appearance by David Quast.
A high-camp excursion into the world of sex, cigarettes and scotch on the rocks wherein a trio of "men about town" match wits with a seedy nightclub owner with a dark and dirty secret.
Both plays playfully recreate the experience of hiding under your blankets reading EC Comics with a flashlight. Just don't let your parents catch you rotting your mind with this smut!
Week 1 - September 29th, 30th and October 1st Week 2 - October 6th, 7th and 8th Week 3 - October 13th, 14th and 15th
Doors at 9:30 PM Show at 10:00 PM. Tickets $12 in advance or $16 at the door.
Check out "Threesome Thursdays"! Two of you pay and if you bring a third, they get in for free! What happens after the show is none of our business ; )
Call 604 569 2013 or e-mail us at tickets@spectraltheatre.com for information.
LocationSpectral Theatre Studio (View)
350 Powell Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1G4